Warminster Osteopathic Clinic

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What is Hypnotherapy?

  • Hypnosis is a natural state of deep relaxation and concentration. It uses the power of your own mind to relieve symptoms and unwanted behaviour patterns.

  • Under hypnosis, you are not asleep. You can hear everything being said. Nothing happens without your consent.

  • Most hypnotherapy sessions do not require more than a light trance state to be effective. No drugs, medication or tablets are used.

  • Everyone can be hypnotised, but not everyone goes into a deep trance.

  • Simple problems like smoking and nail biting require only three to five sessions. More deeply rooted problems require, on average, between six and twelve sessions. A full assessment is given at the initial consultation.

  • Hypnotherapy is non-addictive and safe, with no unpleasant side effects.

Stress Related Conditions

About 12 million people in the UK suffer from stress related problems and other difficulties that hypnotherapy has been know to alleviate. Great care is taken to identify the source of stress, real or imagined, and enable the reduction or elimination of the cause. In most cases, a permanent release is obtained.

This list show some of the stress related conditions that clinical hypnosis and hypnotherapy can help:

  • Alcoholism

  • Anxiety

  • Asthma

  • Bed wetting

  • Blushing

  • Depression

  • Eating disorders

  • Exam nerves

  • Executive stress

  • Frustration

  • Grief

  • Hay fever

  • High blood pressure

  • Impotence

  • Inhibitions

  • Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Learning difficulties

  • Memory problems

  • Migraine

  • Nail biting

  • Nightmares

  • Obsessive compulsions

  • Pain reduction

  • Panic attacks

  • Phobias

  • Relationships

  • Rejection feelings

  • Sales performance

  • Self confidence

  • Skin disorders

  • Sleep problems

  • Smoking

  • Sports performance

  • Stage fright

  • Tensions

  • Travel fright

  • Weight control

Should I consult my doctor?

Hypnosis helps with a wide range of psychosomatic problems, but if you have an ailment or injury, please consult your medical doctor before undergoing a course of stress management or counselling.